Database of ATVET Centers in Latin America

This database was created under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) project InnovATE.  The goal of the database is to show the location of some agroforestry technical and vocational educational training (ATVET) centers in the American continent. Geographical data can be connected with social, economic and environmental issues impacting the surrounding communities where the ATVET centers are embedded.

The InnovATE program works to support capacity development in agricultural education and training. Agricultural and forestry technical vocational education and training schools (TVET) are critical institutions to  regional development. The rationale for the TVET geodatabase is that such a format may efficiently facilitate seamless integration of TVET data with a variety of other sources of geospatial data adapted to the priorities, concerns and opportunities in a given TVET’s zone of influence. For example: student recruitment area, student internship and research opportunities, graduate employment area, faculty and curricula engagement with agricultural and forestry business enterprises, citizen and food security challenges, strategic TVET engagement opportunities for donor-funded initiatives, among a variety of other potential applications. A geospatial database of agricultural and forestry TVET centers has been piloted and created for demonstrative use to showcase as a potential tool to help enhance the efficiency of contacting, identifying, and exploring potential capacity building collaboration opportunities. Initial sample applications, for selected TVET schools which responded to the online attribute survey, are highlighted within this poster. Additional geospatial database development, including further TVET institution buy-in, would be required to support its broader and more robust use.

Disclaimer: The team has made an effort to verify the location of each center but it is not liable if a particular the location is incorrect due to data input mistakes or other uncontrollable factors. The data is meant to be used as an illustration of the geographical distribution to TVET centers.

Funding for InnovATE is supported by a grant from USAID and managed by Virginia Tech’s Office of International Research, Education, and Development (OIRED). This project was made possible by the United States Agency for International Development and the generous support of the American people through USAID Cooperative Agreement No. AID-OAA-L-12-00002
