Virginia Tech and Purdue University partnership delivered a workshop in Supply Chain Management

Blacksburg, VA. June 7, 2011. In May 17, 2011 Drs. Earl Kline, Omar Espinoza, and Henry Quesada from the Department of Wood Science and Forest Products at Virginia Tech teamed up with Dr. Eva Haviarova from the Department of Forestry at Purdue University to teach the workshop Supply Chain Management: Challenges and Opportunities. The event was held at Vincennes University in Jasper, IN. A total of 24 participants attended the workshop, mostly from the local furniture industry.


Drs. Henry Quesada, Omar Espinoza, and Earl Kline.

The workshop was a good change for participants to learn about current trends in Supply Chain Management (SCM), applications of Lean Thinking in SCM, and SCM performance based management. Also Don Dugan from General Electric (GE) participated as a speaker by introducing and providing examples and applications of how third party logistics (3PL) works. The workshop ended up with the participation of Dr. Haviarova who delivered an updated on the platform Indiana Forest Products Web Community. Feedback from participants indicated that the workshop met and exceeded expectations in terms of the depth and amount of provided information, and the quality of the speakers and the facilities.

The workshop was sponsored by the Department of Wood Science and Forest Products at Virginia Tech, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership at Purdue University, the Dubois County Area Development Corporation (DCADC), Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE), and Vincennes University.

For more information on similar training opportunities, please contact Dr. Henry Quesada at