The Center for Innovation-based Manufacturing (CIbM) at Virginia Tech would like to invite the University community, surrounding industry, and the general community interested in learning the most recent developments in the advancement of innovation to increase and support manufacturing in Virginia.
This one-day event is focused on providing experiences and opinions of industry and faculty speakers in the development of tools, concepts, and methods for bridging ideas into commercial products. The workshop will also cover current issues limiting the advancement of manufacturing and recent policy developments to support manufacturing. The event is also the culmination stage of the student innovation competition sponsored by the CIbM.

8:30 am. Jaime Camelio, Director of the Center for Innovation-based Manufacturing at Virginia Tech .
8:45 am. Erin Sparks, Senior Policy Analyst at the National Governos Association
9:30 am. Coffee break.
10:00 am. David Cochran, Director of the Center in Excellence in Systems Engineering at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
10:45 am. Matt Jackson. Open Innovation. Engineer at Local Motors
11:30 am. Panel discussion: Tracy Wilkins (Techlab), Michael Fleming (TORC), Michael Miller (Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc) (and Matt Jackson (Local Motors)
12:15 pm. Boxed Lunch
1:15 pm. Student innovation competition
2:30 pm. Adjourn.
Location and date
The Graduate Life Center (GLC) at Virginia Tech. November 13, 2012.
Registration fee is $100. Fee is waived for members of the Virginia Tech community. For registration please follow this link http://www.cpe.vt.edu/reg/ibmw/
For questions or comment contact Dr. Henry Quesada at quesada@vt.edu